Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today I finally got my husband to cut down that massively huge piece of homasote I bought weeks ago. You can purchase it at any Home Depot or hardware store. It's a type of fiberboard. I read on Martha Stewart's website that this is what she used to make her ribbon bulletin board. So that's what I bought. It was really easy to make (once I got a chance to sit down uninterrupted and do it). If you were ever wondering how to make it yourself. Here's your chance.

Homasote (cut to size)
Fabric (cut to size)
Staple Gun and staples
Decorative upholstry nails

First you need to decide what size board you want to make to fit your space. Mine is 20x35 inches to fit the small wall in my kitchen in which it will hang. Your fabric will need to be slightly larger. I chose a gold fabric (not sure what kind). I was going for Christmas, since this will hold all our Christmas cards we receive each year, but also something I could keep up all year round.

You may want to iron your fabric to get out all the creases. Lay down the fabric and place the homasote on top of the fabric. Then with your staple gun start stapling your fabric to the board.
Keeping sure to pull the fabric taut as you go along. For the corners. Fold them over like you would when wrapping a present or tucking in your sheets. Making sure you staple a lot to secure.
Next you will want to measure out the lengths of ribbon and cut those. Then play around with the placement of your ribbon as to what pattern you want.
Note if you are doing a diagonal design like I did. You will want to measure out the distance between each ribbon so that they are even on top and bottom.
When you have the placement you want, pin all the ribbon down then turn it over and staple it.
The ribbon will not be tight enough to hold any photos or memorbilia unless you pin them. So take those decorative upholstry nails, and this is what is so great about the homasote, and push them into the homosote at the point where the ribbons criss cross in an X.
And you're done.

Now I just need to get it hung. Hope you followed the instructions and see just how easy it is to make. I just might have to make another one with the left over homasote in my basement.
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