Nine months.
Wow! It is going by so fast. I know I've said this before, but it's amazing how fast they grow up before your eyes. So is it just me, or does she get cuter with every month? I just want to eat her up.
Nine months has brought with it the start of Spring. Well maybe. The weather can't seem to make up it's mind. And warm Spring days mean trips to the park and not so cranky kids or Mom because we are cooped up inside. Much to my surprise Sophie had her first experience with the swing March 9th and LOVED it! It got the official stamp of Proud Mom moment. Especially since Mason didn't enjoy the swings until he was two. She continues loving the swing each time we take her and I really enjoy pushing her. Gives us something to do while Mason runs amuck. *Isn't that head band so damn cute? Loving this 60-70 degree weather!
So I know two months ago I was screaming about how she isn't crawling yet and thinking to myself just do it already! If I have ever needed to put my foot in my mouth, that moment would be now. SHE IS GETTING INTO EVERYTHING, and moving with excellent speed. I can't sit down for a moment. Constantly running after her, steering her away from the stairs, bathroom, tiny pieces of Mason's toys and any other no-no things lying on the floor or within her ever expanding reach. It was easy to baby proof with one kid but with two; it's a losing battle.
Her explorations have given new life to old toys or should I say toys my husband was not happy about having been purchased. Such as my tweet on March 11th:
Nine months and a second child has given me a new role to add to the many I currently play. Referee. It never occurred to me that my daughter would prefer my sons toys (seeing as they are in abundance and constantly littering the floor) over her hand me down baby toys. But this is our reality. Thomas trains, matchbox cars, plastic food in a toy kitchen, whatever Mason happens to be playing with. Because really if her big brother is playing with it, it must be cool right? Mason, is not so down with this. Pushing her, dragging her, knocking her over, screaming, whining anything to get her away from his precious toys. Sharing is another ongoing battle. This usually results in either Sophie crying, us putting Mason in time out, or just a lot of yelling on our end to get it all to stop. Redirect Sophie to some other toy but she usually finds her way back. But despite this sibling rivalry (I mean who hasn't picked on their younger brother/sister it's a right of passage in childhood) they have the most adorable relationship.
Their relationship reiterates why I became a parent. It's also a helpful reminder when times are tough and I want to give up.
Nine months and she has developed quite a personality.
I can't help but smile when I look at her. From her funny faces to her developing flirtatious character I am totally loving the girl. Lately she has been in what I call Mommy mode. It started the other night when I handed her off to Fred to help Mason with something and she broke down into screams. And I mean SCREAMS! Reaching for me and crying till I held her again. Of course I had to tweet it and update my status on facebook.
Because with all the time I spend at home with the two of them, they both said "da-da" first and always want to go to daddy instead of me. It really makes me feel good that she only wants me now. Especially when she teases Fred. Like the other night. I was holding her then she leaned out reaching for Fred and when he reached out for her to take her, she shot around like a flash grabbing on to me giggling and smiling. I couldn't help but laugh. Even after the fourth time.
She slowly starting to cruise around things on occasion. But no real walking just yet. In anticipation I bought her a cute baby stroller walker (since the one Mason used was halfway to broken when he was a baby). Though if given the choice we heads towards the Tow Mater walker/rider. Figures. But I'm sure she'll be taking those steps here soon. If I can get Mason to give her some space to breathe and explore.